Saturday, February 13, 2010

Welcome to our blog!

Hello everyone! I created this blog so that we could stay in touch with our friends and family that live out of town..... and also with our friends and family who live here as well.

Brian is now working at the Publix on 280 and he really enjoys it! The hours get hard sometimes but he really loves what he does! He also enjoys playing golf and watching sports.

I am doing my student teaching at Moody Middle School right now and I love it! It is the most rewarding job in the world! I graduate May 8th with a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood/Elemenatry Education and I am beyond excited about it!

We are both thrilled about Alabama winning their 13th NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!

New Car!

Well, my car died this week and we had to get a new one, which was fine with me! It's a Lexus RX 330. I am really enjoying driving something that is nice and dependable! :)

Our child for now!

This is BoBo! He is our 4 year old boston terrier. He is so sweet and we love him to death! He has a precious personality and he always keeps us entertained!
